Winter Wonderland or Winter Wasteland?

Is Winter Really as Bad as People Say It Is?

In my opinion, winter is the best season and not as bad of a season as some people say it is. Winter is my favorite time of the year due to all the holidays and everything there is to do.

The winter season officially starts on Dec. 21 and ends on March 20, 2022.

One thing special about the season is all the time you get off from school and work.  During that time, you can spend time with family and friends. People like having school and work off during this part of the season because they do not have to stress about having to get up early or worry about doing school work.

During the holidays, you can also go see all the Christmas decorations that are put up every year. I really like decorating the outside of my home with snowmen and other holiday decorations.

A local thing people like to do every winter season is go see the Tanglewood Festival of Lights. The Festival is a Christmas-themed light show in Clemmons, North Carolina, that people like to enjoy. The Festival of Lights occurs every year starting in November and goes through early January. 

Personally, I think the Tanglewood lights are a great thing for family and friends to go do during the holiday season. It is a really fun experience for both newcomers and for people who have already experienced the Tanglewood lights  but want to experience it again.

Something else that makes this time of year great is the holidays that fall into the season. Some of the holidays include Christmas, New Years and Valentine’s Day. My favorite holiday is Christmas. My personal favorite thing to do during the season is to watch Christmas movies. Some of my favorite Christmas Movies include “Elf,” “The Polar Express” and “The Christmas Chronicles.” My two personal favorite Christmas movies to watch are “Home Alone” and “Home Alone 3.”

Another one of my favorite activities to do during the season is decorate my Christmas tree with ornaments and lights, and decorate my home with Christmas decorations.

Another favorite winter activity of mine during the season is to play in the snow whenever it actually snows. My favorite things to do in the snow are having snowball fights, building a snowmen and sledding. 

Personally, I really enjoy the cold weather that comes with the winter season.

People have other opinions about winter. Some people believe the season is just another boring regular season due to how cold it is.

“I think winter is a great time to spend time out with friends and family for the holidays and I love having the time off from school to not to have to stress about school work and tests,“ said junior Aidan Grady, “but I also don’t like winter for the simple fact that it is too cold for me.”

Another reason people do not like the holiday season is because it gets dark much earlier than any other time of the year. I do not mind it getting dark earlier in the evening because it gets sunnier earlier in the morning.

People also believe that winter is not great due to having no school or work because they believe coming back to school or work is hard after being off for so long. I believe that having those weeks off is crucial as a student because it gives me a break from school work.

There are many mixed opinions on winter. Personally, I think winter is the best season due to all the great activities you can do, the cold weather and holidays that come during the season.