Reagan Girls Service Club promotes the wellbeing of their community
Image by Reilly Calvert
Members of the Reagan Girls Service Club gather in math teacher and club sponsor Janey Johnson’s room to work on creating holiday cards to distribute to nursing home residents. Johnson said nursing homes have been neglected during the pandemic and hopes to spread holiday cheer.
December 7, 2021
The Reagan Girls Service Club is flourishing this year as they return with their community service-oriented activities. The club already has major successes for this year under its belt and plans to execute even more service initiatives in the future.
The RGSC is intended to be a group to empower teen girls at Reagan to contribute to their community through service projects. Some of the club’s accomplishments include making over 70 cards for nursing home residents, making over 100 snack bags to hand out to homeless individuals and packing three months’ worth of meals for elementary school students to take home on weekends.
Additionally, the club is involved in a pen pal program with over 50 second graders from Vienna, a new project they are trying out this year. Not only is it an activity for the girls to participate in that allows both groups of students to bond, but also helps the second graders develop their literacy skills.
The club is sponsored by math teacher Janey Johnson and CTE teacher Kimberly Wilcox. Each year, they have tried to change the club to make it different from before and care about it being a new and fun experience each time.

Senior Lily Robins has been in the club since her freshman year and has been co-president for two years. The club has received her glowing reviews for the skills it has taught her and the relationships she has been able to form.
“I think RGSC has really helped me to grow as a person in both becoming more service-minded for my community and improving my communication and organizational skills,” Robins said. “Over the past two years especially, I’ve learned how to reach out to different people and organizations in scheduling events for our club, and learned how to effectively lead the club and communicate with members.”
Robins looks forward to doing more volunteer work throughout the school year. She enjoys doing service and working with the other girls, and believes the service club is a perfect fit for her.
“I would describe RGSC as a really positive and fun environment where we can get together as girls and get stuff done,” Robins said. “We are able to work together efficiently and meet new friends in the process as we all better the community. I’m so glad I’ve gotten to be a part of this club for the past four years.”

Another member, Madi Rizk, joined the club her freshman year and is now a junior. She has enjoyed doing weekend service and participating in the elementary school pen pal project.
“I really love it,” Rizk said. “I’ve made a lot of friends and it feels great to be giving back to the community.”
One of the biggest events the club has done so far is the Pink Out in October for Breast Cancer Awareness Month. The group sold pink T-shirts and other items and donated proceeds to Forsyth Cancer Services.
“The Pink Out has been our big thing every year,” Johnson said. “We actually donated around $3,200 this year, which is more than double what we’ve done in the past.”
Forsyth Cancer Services is a group that helps cancer patients pay their bills and provides additional help, like offering hygiene packs and supplies. This means the proceeds from the Pink Out get to directly benefit members of the Forsyth County community.
“It all directly impacts our community, which I think is special because we know a lot of people around here who have cancer,” Johnson said. “We like to keep things local.”
In the future, the club ideally hopes to work with the Second Harvest Food Bank, cooperate with a diaper bank to provide diapers to parents in need, make more food backpacks for elementary students and partner with Meadowlark Middle School to wrap presents for a sponsored family. However, due to COVID-19, there is more uncertainty for future projects than in years past.
“I feel like everything this year is last minute,” Johnson said. “In previous years we used to plan very far in advance and get the whole year done, but now we have to wait to see if restrictions get lifted.”
The club used to collaborate with the Ronald McDonald House to provide home-cooked meals for the families there. Now, due to COVID restrictions, homemade food is not allowed to be donated. The children’s home that the club usually collaborates with on a Christmas luminary event is also no longer available due to the pandemic, and the club also does not know if they will be able to help with a Winston-Salem Joy Prom this year.
Despite the challenges the pandemic still presents, the club is already far ahead from where they were last year. They no longer have to struggle with keeping contact to a bare minimum and are ready to make the most of their service projects in the upcoming months.
“I took on this club because I just wanted to show teenagers that it’s their duty to give back if they are in a place where they can,” Johnson said. “It’s a lifestyle thing that I want to instill in them. Pay it forward.”