Social distance: Spooky season style

Video Credit to PVCFittingsOnline

“Halloween” by greger.ravik is licensed under CC BY 2.0

All the fun of Halloween can still happen, even during COVID-19. The most important thing to remember is to wear your masks and continue to social distance.

Leah Boone, Co Editor-in-Chief

Just like everything else since March, this Halloween season will have to be done a little differently. With COVID-19 cases immensely increasing in North Carolina as well as many other states throughout the country, citizens will have to be extremely cautious in order to remain safe.

“Many traditional Halloween activities can be high-risk for spreading viruses,” according to “There are several safer, alternative ways to participate in Halloween.”

The CDC, or Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, website goes on to list multiple low-risk, moderate-risk, and high-risk Halloween activities. This page is linked at the bottom of the article. 

But fear not, Halloween festivities are still occurring! Churches are doing socially distanced Trunk-or-Treats, outdoor Halloween parties and even getting as creative as doing candy chutes. A DIY candy chute is also linked at the bottom of the article.

At Mount Tabor United Methodist Church in Winston-Salem, there is normally a Fall Festival every year with Tent-or-Treat, inflatables, snacks and much more fun for the entire church community. However, due to the virus, their celebration has changed this year.

“We are offering a ‘Fall Night of Fun’ that includes a picnic dinner, costume parade and movie,” said the Director of Children’s Ministries at Mount Tabor, Marcey Davis.

While this “Fall Night of Fun” may seem like a normal Fall Festival, Mount Tabor has immensely decreased their normal festivities in order to make it a much safer event.

“Typically, we would have an event for 750-1000 people that would be inside and outside,” Davis said. “Due to COVID, we are offering a smaller (much smaller) outdoors event.”

Reagan’s very own Spirit Club is also having a Trunk-or-Treat event on Friday, Oct. 30 from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m.. It is a drive-thru event in which many clubs and teams will have trunks decorated and hand out individually wrapped goodie bags for all those who come.

Many churches, neighborhoods and other groups are ensuring their celebration is safe yet still offers a lot of fun. The CDC has warned citizens that regular trick-or-treating is very risky this year, so many people have begun to get creative. 

“This year, my neighborhood has decided to do individually packaged candy bags instead of a community bowl,” said senior Caroline Bullard. “We are putting candy into small clear bags for kids to take when they trick-or-treat.”

Candy chutes are making news headlines countrywide as citizens get ready for socially distanced trick-or-treating. They ensure distance between the candy takers and givers and also make for a fun DIY project.

Moving festivities outdoors is also very important to ensure safety during this time. However, even if you are outside, make sure to keep the crowds to a minimum and social distancing to a maximum. The most important part of Halloween gatherings this year: wear a mask!

Not only are large gatherings changing it up this Halloween season, but also groups of friends.

“A few of my friends are coming over to hang out around a campfire with me,” Bullard said. “What I am doing this year is not much different than what I would normally do, but my friends and I are going to be socially distanced safely from others instead of being around large crowds of people.”

While Halloween will not be like it normally is, festivities and celebrations can still take place as long as safety is the number one priority of everyone attending. COVID-19 has definitely thrown a wrench in many parts of this year, but Halloween and the rest of the holidays throughout the pandemic can still be full of fun and happiness.

“During this time, we have to find joy in the little things we can do and try not to be disappointed by what we can’t do,” Davis said.