CNN Reporter Abuses White House Press Pass Privilege
Acosta refuses to give up the mic as a young intern attempts to take it. He continued to bash Trump and his policies during the meeting.
November 30, 2018
Freedom of speech is a crucial component of American society. However, within our right to freedom of speech, there are certain guidelines which Americans are expected to follow.
Having freedom of speech does not mean one can yell “fire!” in a movie theater if there is no fire present. It does not mean one can prank call 911 and report a fake crime. Therefore, freedom of speech does not give a reporter the right to verbally attack and criticize the president and his policies during a press conference.
During a press conference on Nov, 7, a CNN White House reporter Jim Acosta repeatedly criticized President Donald Trump at the White House. Acosta began by asking Trump questions regarding the migrant caravan and when Trump responded Acosta immediately refuted his answers.
President Trump remained composed by simply replying with, “You and I have a difference of opinion,” and “I want the immigrants to come into our country, but they have to come in legally and through a process.”
Yet, this was not sufficient enough for Acosta who clearly wanted to get a rise out of the president. Acosta continued condemning the president to the point where Trump repeatedly said, “Ok, that’s enough.”
A young female White House intern then unsuccessfully tried to take the mic from Acosta, but he refused to give it up. Once the mic was finally out of Acosta’s hands, Trump was visibly appalled.
“I tell you what, CNN should be ashamed of itself having you working for them. You are a rude, terrible person, you shouldn’t be working for CNN,” president Trump said.
Acosta then stood up and continued to interject while Trump was trying to listen to the next reporter’s questions. Since Acosta no longer had the mic, it is unclear exactly what he said, but Trump responded irritability with, “Ok, just sit down please,” indicating that the reporter was, once again, out of line.
The next reporter, NBC correspondent Peter Alexander, called Acosta a “diligent reporter” and also began to criticize Trump.
“Well, I’m not a big fan of yours either, to be honest,” Trump said.
Free press and freedom of speech are most certainly a part of our American democracy. However, this does not mean people can abuse their rights and act inappropriately in a place of respect.
It should be an honor as a reporter to attend a White House press conference. Acosta not only took time away from the other reporters but he also blatantly disrespected the president of the United States.
The White House temporarily revoked Acosta’s press pass, but will not seek to permanently revoke it. However, White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders has implemented a series of rules which will be used in future White House press conferences. Trump also said that should Acosta “misbehave” again, he will kick him out of the press conference.
I think that Acosta’s punishment should have been harsher. It is completely wrong and disrespectful to act in such an unruly manner; especially in the presence of the president.
President Trump often clashes with the press, but this instance was out of hand and could have ended much sooner if Acosta had acted more maturely.
Going forward, I believe that Sander’s series of rules for press conferences will help to ensure that issues such as this one will not occur again. It is our duty as American citizens to respect not only one another, but also our leaders.
We can still utilize our right to freedom of speech and free press without bringing down others and being disrespectful. It is imperative that we learn from this experience and grow from it.
Barbara Garvey Magruder • Dec 3, 2018 at 11:04 am
Very good article! The writer makes some excellent points! United States had freedom of speech but with respect to others opinions, always!