Non-traditional Thanksgiving

November 16, 2017

All throughout my life, my family and I have always indulged in the semi-traditional customs that come with Thanksgiving. Every Thanksgiving is filled with sweet-smelling food, the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade, and coming up with a plan for our Black Friday shopping route.

Though most of my customs are the basic things to do on Thanksgiving, there are some non-traditional practices that I, and many families across the country, love.

I love the non-traditional customs that put a twist on traditional things to do on Thanksgiving, such as taking a roadtrip to see family members and cooking a turkey.

Thanksgiving is known throughout the country as one of the most traditional holidays, but I think what makes Thanksgiving so special is the possibility for different traditions.

Contemporary customs can be a great way to put a fresh spin on the time-honored traditions that have been associated with Thanksgiving for many years.

Instead of the sit-down dinner with the entire family, some people go to the beach. Instead of watching the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade, some people watch newly released movies in the theaters.

“Having something non-traditional makes that holiday unique to the family,” said junior Adriene Lock.

The Thanksgiving holiday is a great time to switch up routines and make new traditions by trying new things.

“One Thanksgiving we went to South Carolina and stayed in a beach house with my grandparents,” said senior Morgan Waller. “It was fun because I got to see my family and friends that I hadn’t seen in awhile.”

Thanksgiving is not just about the traditions; it’s about being with family and even doing things that usually would not be seen as conventional.

“I think that unusual traditions are a great thing,” said junior Sandra Garcia. “They are different, and different is good.”

The holiday season is a great time to step out of your comfort zone and try new things that can create lifelong memories for you and your family.

“Traditions are something your family does together; they are not something that everyone else should have a say in,” Waller said.

A tradition is something that every person has a different definition for. Maybe traditions to you are not the same thing as tradition to someone else, and that’s okay.

This year, if your family does the traditional customs every year, you could take a trip to the mountains, go see a movie, or even go ice skating. If you want to still have the Thanksgiving dinner, try new recipes or cook foreign cuisine. There are many different non-traditional things to do that can still be very memorable.

Whether you go on a cruise or eat Thanksgiving dinner at a fast food restaurant, embrace your holiday traditions. The non-traditional customs are what make Thanksgiving so special.


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